Shelley Flannery

Experienced writer and content marketer specializing in health and wellness, higher education and nonprofit

Can States Protect Kids from Reunification Camps?

In case you missed it, this past February we covered the horrors of family reunification camps, for-profit programs purportedly designed to help parents reestablish a relationship with the children they’ve been “alienated” from by the other parent, usually through divorce. One such camp, Building Family Bridges, markets itself as an “innovative four-day workshop” that “helps children reunify with a parent they claim to hate or fear.”

When your child should see a GI about vomiting

It’s a fact of life that no one prepares parents for: Kids vomit. Often at the most inopportune times. But when is kids’ vomiting harmless and when could it signal something more?

The good news is that the vast majority of vomiting in kids is nothing to worry about. It’s most frequently caused by gastroenteritis, a stomach infection often referred to as the stomach flu even though it has no connection to influen

The real signs of autism in adults

Misinformation on TikTok could lead thousands of young adults to believe they have autism spectrum disorder when they really don’t. Here’s what to know about autism symptoms in adults.

On the one hand, social media has brought important and much-needed attention to mental health disorders. On the other hand, it’s circulating misinformation about a number of conditions, namely autism spectrum disorder. So much was detected, in fact, that researchers decided to analyze just how much of the autism

Your Most Pressing Questions About Bipolar 1 Disorder, Answered By People Who Know

Upon being diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder at the age of 24, Charlotte, a budding singer-songwriter, wasn't particularly angry, upset, or surprised. Her first thought after hearing the news?

That makes sense.

After three years of intense mood swings, severe insomnia, impulsivity, reckless behavior, fights with her family, and bouts of depression, Charlotte now had an explanation for the way she had been feeling and acting.
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